Forests, fell-views, wind-farms and sands behind,
Forests, fell-views, wind-farms and sands behind,
The train, while passing Barrow’s waters,
Startled the swans and ducks dockside-aligned.
Soon seen as we walked from the train station:
Two huge jibs, each over its new warship;
And works - largest we’d viewed in the nation.
Neat roundabouts link busy dockside-streets;
In the docks, a foreign-flag submarine,
And, in the museum, miniature fleets.
A tasteful town-hall of pitted red stone;
And, snap-viewed from a left-side train-window,
Furness Abbey ruins - on the way home.
(C) David Franks 2003
Startled the swans and ducks dockside-aligned.
Soon seen as we walked from the train station:
Two huge jibs, each over its new warship;
And works - largest we’d viewed in the nation.
Neat roundabouts link busy dockside-streets;
In the docks, a foreign-flag submarine,
And, in the museum, miniature fleets.
A tasteful town-hall of pitted red stone;
And, snap-viewed from a left-side train-window,
Furness Abbey ruins - on the way home.
(C) David Franks 2003
Fell-views, from the train window between Lancaster and Carnforth; 11&12/8/2022 |
At Carnforth Station; 11/8/2022 |
Wind-farm near Grange-over-Sands; 12/8/22 |
Grange-over-Sands from train; 11/8/2022 |
Barrow's Cavendish Dock from train; 11/8/22 |
Barrow's (still) neat roundabouts; 11/8/22 |
Barrow's Devonshire Dock; 11/8/2022 |
The Dock Museum's "miniature fleets" - within the posh loo, too! 11/8/2022 |
"Tasteful" Barrow Town Hall; 11/8/2022 |
Snapped from train, Furness Abbey; 11/8/22 |
Furness Abbey, from a local bus, a nice walk & a well-placed shady park-bench; 12/8/22 |
Location on Google Maps (new tab)