Poem 117 of 230: WYTHENSHAWE PARK - SUMMER 2000
Wythenshawe Hall
Is elegant -
Although, in all,
Cromwell above
A pyramid -
Symbolic stuff
On what he did.
The plant centre
Has well-kept ground -
Seems gardener
Likes fish around.
Sports and leisure
Places abound -
A good measure
Of games are found.
A farm venture
Has food at hand,
And more nature
Lies in woodland.
(C) David Franks 2003
Wythenshawe Hall
Is elegant -
Although, in all,
Cromwell above
A pyramid -
Symbolic stuff
On what he did.
The plant centre
Has well-kept ground -
Seems gardener
Likes fish around.
Sports and leisure
Places abound -
A good measure
Of games are found.
A farm venture
Has food at hand,
And more nature
Lies in woodland.
(C) David Franks 2003
Being restored, Wythenshawe Hall; 22/5/21 |
Oliver Cromwell Statue; 22/5/21 |
Wythenshawe Horticultural Centre - sadly closed on my return visit; 22/5/2021 |
Lawns, playground, orienteering & tennis in Wythenshawe Park & Gardens; 22/5/21 |
Wythenshawe Community Farm; 22/5/21 |
Woodland in Wythenshawe Park; 22/5/21 |
Location on Google Maps (new tab)