Thursday, 14 August 2003


Poem 5 of 230:  STATE TO STATE


C2 F2 G2 F3
C2 F2 G2 F3
C2 F2 G2 F3
C2 F2 G2 F3
F2 G2 F2 C3
F2 G2 F2 C3
F2 G2 F2 C3
C2 F2 F2 F3 -
slow then fast)

From Sydney Town,
    In uni. break,
I drove south-west
    To earnings make
Onion picking,
    On the fields
Of Echuca,
    That year’s yields.

                                           After day’s work,
                                               From Y.H.A.,
                                           A group of us
                                               Would not delay
                                           To walk on down
                                               To the dirt rim
                                           Of the Murray -
                                               For a cool swim.

On one such day,
    I do declare,
Some three of us
    Had a big dare
To swim across,
    From state to state,
The wide Murray -
    I took the bait.

                                           Yes, foolishly,
                                               I took the bait -
                                           A choice that I
                                               Would come to hate,
                                           For I almost
                                               Did drown that date,
                                           Making the swim
                                               From state to state.

(C) David Franks 2003
Hear here -

Youth Hostel Association stamp,
from January-February 1987

My sister having helped encourage me back to swimming during 2015, by 2020 I found I'd reached similar conclusions on wild swimming (if not on everything) to Roger Deakin in his brilliant book Waterlog; below are some photographs of other scenic "swimabouts" - with glasses or prescription goggles/without wetsuit - in my 50s (when my clubfoot began to strain on walkabouts); and here are a few tips:  when swimming across a river (as above), make it easier for yourself by walking a bit upstream of your intended landing point, or swim upstream first (the current should be less strong closer to the banks) and drift back to your starting point when more tired - after checking if there has been much rain upstream; instead of swimming out to sea, swim along a coastline so, if cramp or fatigue set-in, you are never too far from the safety of land (that said, I've practised coping with cramp and do risk swimming out); with a big hat and head-up breaststroke, you can swim for a long time without getting sunburn; if a pool is packed or small, or if concerned about leaving belongings (which may, rather, be taken with you in a swim buoy), get some useful exercise by simply treading water; and, if in shallow water, do backstroke...

Buracona, Sal, Cabo Verde; 16/12/2023

Salinas, Sal, Cabo Verde; 16/12/2023 -
so salty, I could only swim my backstroke!

Shelley Beach Pool, Cronulla; 13/11/15 &
23/10/23 - swam several times with sister

Gunnamatta Bay Baths taken 13/11/15 and
swam end-to-end and back in Dec. 2019 -
if calm, doing (naturalists') breaststroke,
you may see fish ahead on your bow wave 

Highgate Men's Bathing Pond on 16/5/16 -
returning for a swim not long afterwards
(Roger Deakin, above, also swam here)

Barcelona's beachfront - swam on 27/5/18

Beyond Ostia's Neptune Statue near Rome -
 breakwaters overdo shallows, sadly; 4/5/19

Taken and swam 6/12/19, around the curve
& back of beautiful Deep Water Bay Beach

The "Secret Lake," Manchester, on 7/2/20,
swam up-&-back when warmer on 23/6/20
and, as my local, a handful of times since...

Thirroul Pool - shot in November 2015&16,
& swam on a family visit in December 2021

Torquay on 30/6/18; swam 12/7/22, etc. - 
along at high-tide & out to a low-tide island
(also free-diving with prescription goggles)

Playa de Los Cristianos, Tenerife: shot from
Montaña Chayofita & swam on 16/12/2022

Bathe at Paradise Valley, Morocco; 8/3/23

Agadir Beach, Morocco: the calmer Marina-
side area is best for swimming; 11&14/3/23

Nice la Belle on 31/5/2023 - swam next day

Bude Sea Pool - shot & swam 19/7/23, etc.

Tinside Beach & Tinside Lido, Plymouth - 
shot 21/7/23 & swam the next (rainy) day

Woronora River, SYD: shot/swam 21/10/23

Wattamolla Beach & Lagoon, Sydney - both
shot and swam on 30/10/2023

Marrinawi Cove, Sydney Harbour: shot and
swam 1/11/23 - slippery & sharp but scenic 

Kuta, Bali - shot & bodysurfed on 7/11/23

Both sides of Santa Maria Pier, Cabo Verde,
swam/dived with Bitmore camera; 15/12/23

(Floaty) Salinas, Sal, Cabo Verde; 16/12/23

Buracona, Sal, Cabo Verde; 16/12/2023

Hotel Zone, Cancun, Mexico; 14/4/2024

Playa Centro, Isla Mujeres, Mexico; 15/4/24

XlaKaj Cenote, Yukatan, Mexico;22/4/24

Berlin's Tiergarten, Germany; 22/6/2024

Canne's Plage Macé; 6/6/23 & 29/6/24

Plage du Midi, Cannes; 3/7/2024

Lido Sanremo, Italian Riviera; 28/6/2024

Solarium Beach, Monaco; 3/6/23&2/7/24

Monaco's pool: shot 3/6/23 & swam 2/7/24

Plages des Graniers, St. Tropez; 1/7/2024

Palm Beach Club, Yao Yai Island; 6/12/25 - 
on a James Bond Island, Phang Nga, tour

Freedom Beach, Phuket, Thailand; 8/12/24

3 in 1 - pool, lagoon, Andaman Sea, at
Laguna Phuket, Thailand; 12/12/2024