Friday, 15 August 2003


Poem 4 of 230:  PICTURING SYDNEY

A good place to start is Sydney Tower,
    With its enthralling panoramic feast:
Olympic grounds - west; to north - the harbour;
    And beautiful beaches - north- and south-east.

From what is quite a jumbled C.B.D.,
    A nice walk is through Botanic Gardens
To the harbour, Opera House, then the Quay -
    But, of other good options, there are tens.

(C) David Franks 2003

Sydney Tower, far right, from plane; 28/11/15

Beautiful beach to the SE - Cronulla; 10/10/11

Beautiful beach to the NE - Manly; 4/10/12

From a plane, left to right: Botanic Gardens,
Opera House and Circular Quay; Dec. 2014

Sydney Tower from Botanic Gardens; 3/12/18

Botanic Gardens & harbour; 3/12/18

Waterlilies in Botanic Gardens; 3/12/2018

Nice Botanic Gardens resting place; 3/12/18

A fine fern in Botanic Gardens; 3/12/2018

Also on a Botanic Gardens walkabout; 3/12/18

Nearby Art Gallery of N.S.W; 3/12/2018

Main Pond & Fort Denison; 3/12/18

Harbourside path to Opera House; 3/12/18

Botanic Gardens & Opera House; 3/12/2018

Opera House & Harbour Bridge; 3/12/2018

Circular Quay, Sydney; 3/12/2018

Harbour Bridge from Circular Quay; 3/12/18

The above pics are closely linked to the verses; below is a more-random selection of my Sydney favourites.

Joseph Banks Native Plants Reserve; 1/10/12 

Port Hacking from Bundeena ferry; Oct. 2013 

Bundeena - southern Sydney; 17/11/2015

Wattamolla - southern Sydney; 25/11/2015

Audley - southern Sydney; 25/11/2015

The Three Sisters in the  Blue Mountains,
from Katoomba - west of Sydney; 14/11/19