Sunday, 20 April 2003


Poem 121 of 230:  IRONY IN LANCASTER - AUTUMN 2000

All cut-and-laid stone,
    South, from the murky river
To the clean canal.

(C) David Franks 2003

"Murky" River Lune, at Lancaster's bridges:
Millennium, Greyhound, Skerton; 20/4/19

Still some "cut-and-laid stone"
between river and canal; 20/4/19

"Clean" Lancaster Canal; 20/4/19

Some extra pics from Lancaster...

Lancaster Priory and Castle; 20/4/2019

View between Lancaster Priory and Castle:
Ashton Memorial and Cathedral; 20/4/2019

Lancaster Castle; 20/4/2019

Lancaster Priory Church; 20/4/2019

Roman Bath House, Lancaster; 20/4/2019

Lancaster Town Hall; 20/4/2019

Hospital almshouses, Lancaster; 20/4/2019