Monday, 19 May 2003


Poem 92 of 230:  PLASTICS

Plastics, we so often hear
    In environmental fear,
Are non-biodegradable
    And, wrongly disposed, horrible.

But this (plus reuse) is the key,
    And there’s the costing side to see -
To some become available
    Goods otherwise unpayable;
And further pros occur to me -
    E.g., replacing ivory.

(C) David Franks 2003

Barra, The Gambia - from ferry; 27/2/2025 

Greater Manchester, England; 24/1/2025

Laguna Phuket, Thailand; 16/12/2024

Doubt Buddha would like such offerings -
otherwise, nice Kata Noi, Phuket; 9/12/24

Patong, Phuket, Thailand; 7/12/2024

Sanremo, Italian Riviera; 28/6/2024

Yucatan, Mexico; 22/4/2024

Behind Cancun's mangroves; 14/4/2024

Near Cancun Plaza, Mexico; 11/4/2024

East coast of Sal, Cabo Verde; 16/12/2023

Greenpeace beside the Seine, Paris; 29/5/23
"Strong global plastics treaty now"

Sacré-Coeur, Monmartre, Paris; 30/5/2023

Never again - packaging says "recycle me"
but look how it breaks into fibres; 9/8/22

Rochdale Canal, Manchester; 25/5/2017

Newcastle Upon Tyne; 4/11/2016

White rhino, Nairobi Safari Walk; Feb. 2014