Poem 81 of 230: A PRAYER FOR CHANGE
There must be a god -
A god I’ve met not;
But, if I met god,
I’d say, “Change the plot.”
Too much poverty/
Too much selfishness/
There must be a god -
A god I’ve seen not;
But prophets of God
Bore a Leftist plot.
This comes to the fore
In parts of Acts Four,
With sharing of wealth/
Care beyond thyself.
There must be a god -
A god I’ve met not;
But some who’ve “found” God
Have twisted the plot.
To the Left they pray -
That’s God, prophets say;
But then they vote Right -
Improves their own plight?
There must be a god -
A god I’ve seen not;
But I pray for god
To help change the plot.
(C) David Franks 2003
There must be a god -
A god I’ve met not;
But, if I met god,
I’d say, “Change the plot.”
Too much poverty/
Too much selfishness/
There must be a god -
A god I’ve seen not;
But prophets of God
Bore a Leftist plot.
This comes to the fore
In parts of Acts Four,
With sharing of wealth/
Care beyond thyself.
There must be a god -
A god I’ve met not;
But some who’ve “found” God
Have twisted the plot.
To the Left they pray -
That’s God, prophets say;
But then they vote Right -
Improves their own plight?
There must be a god -
A god I’ve seen not;
But I pray for god
To help change the plot.
(C) David Franks 2003